Water Watcher Self-Study
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Street Address:
*City, State, Zip code
*Cell phone:
*Service Unit Name:
This is the name of your local Girl Scout Service Unit. Some names are the same as the town name, others are several towns grouped together under one service unit name.
*Troop #:
Please provide 5 digit Troop #
Who should take Water Watcher Self-Study?
Adults taking their troops or Girl Scouts to any water activity in water above the knee. Course Description: This is an online self study course that will prepare volunteers to be Water Watchers. It is mandatory that Water Watchers be in attendance for any swimming activity under the direction of a certified lifeguard. This course should be completed at least two weeks prior to your water activity. If you have any questions contact customercare@gsnnj.org.
Procedures: ยป Read the Water Watcher Booklet and refer to the Safety Activity Checkpoints. >>Complete the test below.Materials Needed: Water Watch Self-Study Booklet (Copy & paste the following link in your browser: http://www.gsnnj.org/en/for-volunteers/volunteer-training.html or find the Water Watcher Self Study booklet on our website: www.gsnnj.org>volunteer>volunteer training>Water Watcher Self Study) >>Also use: Safety Actvity Checkpoints Copy & paste the link below into your browser: http://www.gsnnj.org/content/dam/girlscouts-gsnnj/documents/All%20Safety%20Activity%20Checkpoints.pdf or find it on the website: www.gsnnj.org>forms (far upper right of page)>safety activity checkpoints (list of frequently accessed forms)
*1. A buddy check is signaled by how many whistle blasts?
*2. How many blasts of an air horn signal an emergency in the water?
*3. How many blasts of an air horn signal the all clear?
*4. A minimum of this many adults must supervise boating:
*5. The surface struggle of a drowning person usually lasts how many seconds?
*6. Biological death from drowning can occur after this many minutes:
*7. How often (in minutes) should the buddy system be called by the lifeguard?
*8. A group of 25 swimmers at a lake must have how many water watchers?
*9. A group of 60 swimmers at a pool must have how many water watchers?
*10. A primary lifeguard must be at least this old?
*11. A secondary lifeguard must be at least this old?
The following questions are TRUE or FALSE.
Please select the correct answer from the drop down menu.
*1. A water watcher can watch the girls without a lifeguard as long as they are not in water over their heads.
*2. The leader and water watcher must know how many girls are in the water at all times.
*3. The water watcher helps count the girls during a buddy check.
*4. The water watcher should be waist deep in the water with the girls so she/he can see them better.
*5. The following are water watcher equipment: visor or sunglasses, shorts, reach pole, whistle
*6. Pedal boaters can change places in the boat out on the lake as long as they are careful.
*7. If you are an experienced swimmer or an adult, you do not have to wear a PFD while boating.
*8. If there are any boats on the water, one person must remain in the guard chair watching the water while the other loads and unloads the boaters to & from the boats.
*9. Two (2) airhorn blasts signal a lost bather. One (1) airhorn blast signals all clear.
*10. The following are types of rescue equipment: ring buoy, rescue tube, first-aid kit, shepherd's crook, emergency telephone, lifeguard chair.
*11. The lifeguard - water watcher ratio chart can be found in The Safety Activity Checkpoint: Swimming
*12. When extending a rescue pole to a distressed (but not drowning) victim, make sure your stance is wide and your center of gravity is low.
*13. Girl Scout Daisies are allowed to participate in: canoeing, kayaking, sailing, water skiing and windsurfing.
*14. Girl Scout Daisies are allowed to participate in: fishing, row boating, swimming, and tubing.


If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, please e-mail: customercare@gsnnj.org

If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, please e-mail: customercare@gsnnj.org