Overnight Orientation Self-Study
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Please type 5-digit troop # ONLY (please do NOT include town, service unit, or Girl Scout level)
Overnight Orientation Self-Study must be completed for any overnight trip with your Girl Scout troop. This includes motels, camping, resorts, etc. One registered adult volunteer per troop.
To find the information needed for the online training, please refer to the following document: Go to www.gsnnj.org>forms (far upper right of website banner). Enter "Volunteer Essentials" in search box. Review the APPENDIX: FOR TRAVEL VOLUNTEERS. The sections needed will be noted below each question as (Refer to....)
1. Travel is built on a progression of activities. Which of the following is a good trip for Girl Scout Daisies?
(Refer to Traveling with Girls)
a walk to a nearby garden
an extended overnight camping trip to another state
2. Which of the following is a good trip for Girl Scout Brownies?
(Refer to Traveling with Girls)
One or two nights at a motel or campground
an all-day visit to a historical park
a walk to a nearby garden
all of the above
3. What are the three keys to leadership?
(Refer to USING JOURNEYS IN THEIR TRAVELS and The Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting )
Discover, Connect, Take Action
Be honest, fair and a sister to every Girl Scout
Courageous and strong and responsible for what I say & do
4. How should leaders lead the girls? (see note below)
To ensure that any travel you do with the girls infuses the Girl Scout leadership experience at every opportunity, limit your role to facilitating the girls' brainstorming and planning-but never doing the work for them. (Refer to USING JOURNEYS IN THEIR TRAVELS and The Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting )
learn collaboratively
learn by doing (and making mistakes)
all of the above
5. In determining maturity of the girls in a troop/group and their readiness to travel and/or stay overnight, which ability below would be most important to assess the group?
ability to keep a journal of the trip
ability to adapt to unfamiliar surroundings and situations
ability to try new foods
SEEKING COUNCIL PERMISSION Before most trips, you and the girls will need to obtain council permission. For GSNNJ forms and additional information, go to www.gsnnj.org>forms. Search for "Troop Group Activity Application".
6. In addition to the Troop/Group Activity Application (TGAA), forms needed for an OVERNIGHT trip are:
Annual Permission/Release to others/Needs Assessment form
Health History form
All of the above
7. As you ask for chaperones, be sure to look for ones who are committed to which of the following:
(Use the Involving Chaperones section)
Being a positive role model
Creating a safe space for girls
Respecting all girls and adults equally, with no preferential treatment
Handling pressure and stress by modeling flexibility and a sense of humor
All of the above
8.Which of the following is correct?
(Refer to Transporting Girls)
Every driver must be an approved adult volunteer and have a good driving record, a valid license, and a registered/insured vehicle.
Girls can drive other girls if the trip is close by.
All of the above
9. Whether the trip is a day hike or a cross-country trek, the basic steps of trip planning are essentially the same. Which of the following is NOT part of the planning process?
(Refer to Letting Girls Lead)
a. Where are we interested in going?
b. What are visiting hours and the need for advance reservations?
c. How will we earn the money?
d. Who will my teacher be in school next year?
10. Which is NOT an important safety concern during a trip?
(Refer to Staying Safe During the Trip)
Who her buddy is – and how the buddy system works.
What to do if she is separated from the group, whether by accident or because of a crime.
What to do if emergency help is needed.
What behaviors you expect-and what consequences exist for not living up to those behaviors.
What is for lunch?
11. Always check to see where the nearest fire exit is when you arrive at your destination. Which is NOT a safety tip to share with the girls and other adults?
(Refer to Travel Security & Safety Tips)
Always lock the door behind you, using the deadbolt and the chain or anchor.
Do not open the door for strangers.
Never leave jewelry, cameras, electronics, cash or credit cards in your room.
If a fire alarm goes off, get out as quickly as possible. Don’t stop to pack your suitcase.
Sleep in your clothes in case of emergency.
VOLUNTEER ESSENTIALS CHAPTER 4 REVISED 1-16 (look under this section to answer questions 12-18) In girl scouting, the emotional and physical safety and well-being of girls is always a top priority.
12. Which of the following are responsibilities of the volunteer?
(Refer to Responsibilities of the Volunteer)
Follow the safety activity checkpoints.
Role-model the right behavior.
Get parent/guardian permission
Be prepared for emergencies.
All of the above.
13. Each girl is expected to do which of the following?
(Refer to Responsibilities of Girls)
Watch Troop Beverly Hills before a camping trip.
Learn and practice safety skills
Make sure her uniform is pressed and wrinkle free
all of the above
14. How many girls can two unrelated adults chaperone for a camping trip with Brownie Girl Scouts?
The adult to girl supervision ratio is not the same for outings as it is for meetings. (Refer to Knowing how may Volunteers You Need)
15. How many chaperones are needed for a trip to Hershey Park with a Girl Scout Junior troop of 24 girls?
(Refer to Knowing How Many Volunteers You Need)
16. When driving Girl Scouts, all drivers should take the following precautions:
(Refer to Checklist for Drivers)
Ensure all drivers are at least 21 years old
Wear your seat belt at all times and insist that all passergers do the same. Girls under 12 must ride in the back seat.
Follow all the established rules of the road in that state, including the speed limit.
Do not drive when you are tired or taking medication that makes you drowsy.
All of the above
17. Which item below should NOT be in your first-aid kit?
Emergencies can happen. Assemble a well stocked first-aid kit that is always accessible. You may purchse one or the girls can put one together as a troop. (Refer to Someone Needs Emergency Care)
Band aids
Antiseptic wipes
List of emergency phone numbers
Copies of Girl & Adult health history forms
Hammer and nails
First Aid/CPR A first-aider is an adult volunteer who has taken Girl Scout approved first-aid and CPR training that includes specific instructions for child CPR. If through the American Red Cross, National Safety Council, EMP America, or American Heart Association, you have a chance to be fully trained in first-aid and CPR. The Safety Activity Checkpoints always indicate when a first-aider needs to be present. First-aid/CPR training that is available entirely online does NOT satisfy Girl Scout requirements. Instructions for staying safe while participating in activities are detailed in the Safety Activity checkpoints available online from council. Read the checkpoints and share them with other volunteers, parents, and girls before engaging in activities with girls.
18. Which of the following healthcare providers may also serve as first-aiders?
(Refer to First Aid/CPR section)
a physician or physician assistant
nurse practitioners
RN (registered nurse) OR LPN (licensed practical nurse)
paramedic or military medic
EMT (emergency medical technician)
All of the above
19. Which of the following activities can Girl Scouts NOT participate in?
(Refer to Safety Activity Checkpoints document; specifically Introduction to Safety Activity Checkpoints)
Outdoor trampoline
All of the above
20. Which is NOT a point common to all safety activity checkpoints for overnight trips?
(Refer to Girl Scout Safety Guidelines)
Follow the safety activity checkpoints
Girls plan the activity
Get a weather report
Travel safely
Ensure safe overnight outings
Use a kaper chart
21. In keeping with the 3 processes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, be sure that which of the following are met:
(Refer to Using the Safety Activity Checkpoints)
All activities are girl-led
Girls have the chance to learn cooperatively
Girls learn by doing
all of the above